Integrating a Nightclub at Your Gaming Property
Casinos throughout the world have long looked to Las Vegas for product innovation and ideas to enhance their customers’ entertainment experiences. With the explosive growth of nightclubs at casinos along the Las Vegas Strip, operators in other jurisdictions have begun to add new forms of nightlife to their casinos, including big-box nightclubs and ultra-lounges that target new demographic segments. Successful night club operators, like Light Group, Pure Management Group and N9ne Group, have opened some of the most successful operations and companies like Titan
Nightlife Group are exporting the Las Vegas nightclub concepts to Indian casinos.
Unfortunately, the world of nightclubs is a decidedly different place than the world of casinos, comprised of different customers that are motivated by different wants and needs. While both groups of customers have high levels of disposable income and are willing to spend copious amounts of money for that entertainment, they come from different demographic groups and the activities that they enjoy can conflict with one another. Failing to manage how these two worlds interact can lead to conflict and prevent the casino from maximizing its overall profit potential. Often strategic decisions are made without thorough analyses, preventing casinos from fulfilling their revenue potential. It is useful to examine two instances in which the behaviors of nightlife customers and casino customers conflicted and how management made decisions without complete information.
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