Developing the Casino Marketing Plan

Brendan Bussmann

Developing the Casino Marketing Plan

The phenomenon of casino development in the United States is a fairly recent trend. Outside the jurisdictions of Nevada and Atlantic City, casinos have existed for less than a decade. The initial success of riverboat. dockside and Native American gaming operations in the early 1990s was predicated more on operating in monopolistic or oligopolistic environments than on sound marketing practices. Marketing plan development and implementation were not critical factors in the initial success of these nascent operations. Rather. operators were able to open facilities and implement a variety of marketing programs based more on individual managers’ personal experiences. adapt the marketing programs of Nevada operators or to simply mimic what the competition was doing rather than develop marketing strategies and action plans-based on the customers’ needs and market trends. Today casinos in many jurisdictions operate in very competitive environments. As such there is now a need for casinos to develop and implement structured marketing plans.

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