Database Segmentation Analysis
Casino management systems give the gaming marketer a wealth of information to better understand individual player behavior. Each successive generation of management systems allows casino operators to understand their customers and develop programs that recognize and reward loyal play. All casino management systems give the marketer detailed player information showing trip history, actual win/loss, theoretical win/loss, point and comp redemption history, as well as information on personal player data.
While casino management systems can accumulate vast stores of data on individual behavior they tend to fall short in their ability to summarize the behavior of player segments. The report writing tools that come with many of these systems tend to summarize transactional data to better assist the slot and table game departments rad1er than provide the marketing department
with useful information to conduct and analyze marketing campaigns. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to extract the data from the master system and analyze it using a relational database program. This technique does require individuals within the marketing department with advanced skills using relational database programs. Alternatively, the casino can turn to a database marketing consultant to perform a periodic analysis.