Ten Ways to Make Headline Entertainment Profitable

Brendan Bussmann

Ten Ways to Make Headline Entertainment Profitable

As the price of headline casino entertainment grows, a loud but vocal minority of casino executives have begun to question the expense associated with entertainment. These people tend to be the financial professionals within the casino organization who believe that such programs should be measured. They may also be of the belief that casino headline entertainment programs seem to exist solely to fund the retirement programs of aging rock stars who, like most baby boomers, neglected to properly plan for their golden years and are now forced to work extra hard while they still retain some marketable skills. This article is not for those naysayers but is written for those that must justify their entertainment programs in the wake of what may be sound logic and reason. Skeptics are asked to ignore this article. Those that must justify their entertainment programs are invited to read on.

There are ten simple steps that entertainment and marketing executives can take to better justify the expense of headline entertainment. By following these suggestions entertainment programs will always make money despite what may be revealed in property profit and loss statements.

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