Putting Problem Gambling in Perspective
The success of gaming development on Indian lands has allowed many tribes to explore the feasibility of replacing their aging, temporary buildings with new, amenity rich facilities. Despite the recession, tribes are moving forward with plans for future development. These developments, often in more accessible locations closer to population centers, often spark debate among various constituencies in the local community.
Any public debate on the pros and cons of casino development inevitably brings up the topic of problem gambling and its economic and social costs on the host community. Often these debates take place without a reasonable understanding of what problem gambling is, how prevalent it is and how significant the problem is when compared to other pathologies. These debates are frequently led by those who are morally opposed to casino gambling and it is that moral opposition that often clouds reasonable discussion. It is essential to clarify what problem gambling is, explore its prevalence in society, and compare its social and economic costs to other forms of aberrant behavior caused by what many see as more benign industries.
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