I Want a New Club

Brendan Bussmann

I Want a New Club

A mid-sized casino in the southeast recently replaced its casino management system. Marketing had grown frustrated with the system’s inability to do all of the things that it needed in order to be competitive. The marketing staff could not conduct electronic drawings. They were unable to award non-negotiable slot credits to player accounts and pulling data for periodic analysis was cumbersome and difficult. After much lobbying, the marketing department was finally able to convince senior management that a new system was needed if the property was to remain competitive. The system that was replaced was only three years old.

The vendor who had provided the casino management system was not invited to participate in the RFP process. Rather than re-invest in a system that did not deliver on all that was promised, the casino chose to look at other providers. In addition to the sizable capital cost, the casino endured a week of disruption as reader boxes and other hardware were replaced and the staff was retrained on the new system. Customers were also frustrated as points and comps did not transfer over accurately into the new system .

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