Harnessing Demo Software to Improve Casino Marketing

Brendan Bussmann

Harnessing Demo Software to Improve Casino Marketing

In the casino industry, the process of querying and analyzing a market’s demographic composition has long been the function of consultants who conduct market feasibility studies or, in large multi-unit gaming companies, analysts who dedicate the majority of their time scrutinizing demographic data. T he vast majority of casino marketers conduct a cursory review of area demographics as part of their annual marketing plans. This is not to suggest that marketers do not recognize the value of analyzing regional demographics. Rather the cost of demographic software coupled with its limited applicability has restricted its application.

In recent years the costs of software that generate detailed demographic reports for any geography and demographic mapping software have dropped to the point where any casino can now justify their expense. More important, the contributions that these software products can make to a casino’s advertising and marketing efforts far outweigh their costs.

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