Building Effective Promotions

Brendan Bussmann

Building Effective Promotions

Recent advances in game technology, improved access to capital markets and the continued growing popularity of Indian gaming is creating a climate that is stimulating an unprecedented expansion of Indian casinos. In the next few years, many tribes will expand their facilities or build new casinos to better serve their guests and to provide essential services for tribal members.

Promotions are a critical element of almost every casino’s marketing mix. In fact, in many casinos promotions are considered the primary endeavor of the casino marketing department. It is not unusual to find casinos devoting up to one third of their marketing budget towards promotions. Yet despite the prodigious amounts of money that casinos devote to promotions, few casino managers demand from their marketing team, clearly delineated objectives, a written promotions strategy, or any methodology to track the relative success or failure of their promotions.

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